About the Journal
Distinctio aims to publish high-quality articles in various branches of philosophy and interdisciplinary research related to philosophy. The journal’s main goal is to provide an arena for fruitful discussion about prominent issues in philosophy from various perspectives. The journal’s guiding idea is that the distinction between ‘good’ and ‘bad’ philosophy is based not on topic, but on the depth and quality of the research. Therefore, Distinctio accepts manuscripts from all philosophical traditions, provided they fulfil the quality requirements. Nevertheless, authors should avoid dogmatism about any tradition and philosophical outlook, be it in a positive or a negative manner. As intersubjective agreement is the highest standard of objectivity among reflective selves, we also strive to achieve such high standards and attain new insights into some crucial philosophical issues.
Abstracting and indexing
Distinctio is indexed in the following databases:
Erih Plus: European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences
Hrčak: Portal of Croatian scientific and professsional journals
Author instructions
The journal accepts papers in English or German with a mandatory abstract in both languages with corresponding keywords. The manuscript should not exceed 10,000 words and should start with manuscript title, followed by abstracts, the body text and a list of references. All manuscripts should have a clear structure, whether using section headings and subheadings or some other means of distinction. If headings and subheadings are used, they should be marked clearly and consistently. Details about the author(s) should be omitted from the manuscript so it is review ready; author details should be filled in on the separate online form. Author details must include:
Full name(s) and surname(s) of all author(s);
Affiliations and email addresses of all authors. The author that submits a manuscript is considered as a corresponding author, unless is it explicitly stated otherwise;
Orcid IDs for all authors.
Submission procedure
All manuscripts should be submitted via the official journal online submission portal. All submitted manuscripts will first undergo internal evaluation by the editorial board in order to judge their suitability for the journal and compliance with Author instructions. If the initial decision of the editorial board is positive, the manuscript is sent for external review. The journal aims to follow a double-blind peer review procedure. The estimated time for the initial decision is approximately two weeks, with two months for the external review if the manuscript gains initial acceptance.
Copyright policy
The authors of the pertinent published materials (research papers, book reviews, obituaries) reserve copyright on all published materials. However, by agreeing to publish in Distinctio, authors transfer the rights for initial publication of the manuscript to the journal, in both print and electronic form. Due to the fact that Distinctio is published as an open access journal, all published texts (articles, book reviews etc.) can be freely used for non-commercial purposes under the CC BY-NC-ND license.
Open access statement
Distinctio is published as an open access journal. All published texts (articles, book reviews etc.) can be freely used for non-commercial purposes under the CC BY-NC-ND license.
Archiving policy
Both printed and electronic versions of full issues of the journal are archived in the Croatian National and University Library in Zagreb.
The journal does not charge any processing or publication fees for any of the published materials. The journal is run by a non-profit publisher and financed through the support of the Ministry of Science and Education of Croatia and donations.